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Ken Burns' Jazz - Episode 1: Gumbo, Beginnings to 1917 (2001)

Το πρώτο επεισόδιο της σειράς Jazz του Ken Burns, για όσους και όσες ενδιαφέρονται να μάθουν την ιστορία αυτής της υπέροχης μουσικής.

"Jazz music objectifies America. It's an art form that can give us a painless way of understanding ourselves. The real power of Jazz and the innovation of Jazz, is that a group of people can come together and create art, improvised art, and can negotiate their agendas with each other. And that negotiation is the art. Bach improvised all the time, and he did improvise, but he never looked at the second viola and said 'Let's play the Ein Feste Burg.' They were not gonna do that. Whereas in Jazz, I could get together, I could go to Milwaukee tomorrow, and there'd be three musicians in a bar at two thirty in the morning. And I'll say, 'What you want to play, man? Let's play some blues.' Well, all four of us are going to start playing. Everyone will start copping and playing and listening. You never know what they're gonna do. So, that's our art. And the four of us can now have a dialogue. We can have a conversation. We can speak to each other in the language of music." -- Wynton Marsalis, First Interview of Episode 1

Η σειρά Jazz του Ken Burns είναι μουσικό-ιστορικό ντοκιμαντέρ. Προβλήθηκε το 2001 στο κανάλι PBS και ολοκληρώθηκε σε δέκα επεισόδια. Κάθε επεισόδιο αφορά και μια χρονική περίοδο της τζαζ από το 1917 μέχρι σήμερα.

Η λίστα των δέκα επεισοδίων της σειράς:
Gumbo - Beginnings to 1917
The Gift 1917-1924
Our Language 1924-1928
The True Welcome 1929-1935
Swing - Pure Pleasure 1935-1937
Swing - The Velocity of Celebration 1937-1939
Dedicated to Chaos 1940-1945 Risk 1945-1956
The Adventure 1956-1961
A Masterpiece by Midnight 1961... μέχρι σήμερα

2 σχόλια:

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/file/moivlzgomli/Jazz - 01 - Gumbo (Beginnings to 1917).zip

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/l5m3yyruhwz/Jazz - 01 - Gumbo (Beginnings to 1917).z01

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/yyrymnqtrte/Jazz - 01 - Gumbo (Beginnings to 1917).z02

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/jywinotnntm/Jazz - 01 - Gumbo (Beginnings to 1917).z03

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/ofjznqmiznm/Jazz - 01 - Gumbo (Beginnings to 1917).z04

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/gymmz1zocj4/Jazz - 01 - Gumbo (Beginnings to 1917).z05

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/mvo4buzu2jm/Jazz - 01 - Gumbo (Beginnings to 1917).z06

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/dxmimkrkrh0/Jazz - 01 - Gumbo (Beginnings to 1917).z07

    Είναι λίγο μεγάλο αλλά αξίζει...

  2. υπαρχουν ελληνικοι υποτιτλοι.....?


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